Where there is a will there is a way

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Breadmaker to avoid all the plastic bags

Another implementation I have been waiting a LONG time for, and is really fabulous is a breadmaker. Due to new home syndrome and unexpected blessing of some extra funds at this time, we bought one. Not only does it provide me the structure for baking bread (I used to make it by hand but I no longer have time since I work), and I can experiment with making all different kinds of bread and putting healthy ingredients in (seeds, whole grains) I CAN NOW AVOID the horrible packaging from buying bread.

We have been buying bread for a few years now. My novel idea was to get a breadmaker, and flour in bulk, and totally avoid the plastic bags. I met a lovely friend here already who told me of a local wholesale supplier of flour (MyBreadMix). Yay! I have also been saving plastic bread bags from my years in sin. And now I have many to use for the bread I make. My parents made bread using a very large, good quality food processor with a "dough hook". Memories of their drawer full of plastic bread bags, crumbs and all, and reusing them over and over again...

It's just a really good solution if you are living in the real world and want to make bread. Realistically, in the sped up world, I would never have made bread even with a food processor and dough hook. It takes about 5 minutes to throw the ingredients in, and while it is a pain to do it as frequently as we need bread, it is fun - and I do enjoy the feeling of avoiding all those plastic bags.

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