Friday, May 1, 2020

Amaze-balls pumpkin soup - healthiest method as it preserves the most vitamins, and is easiest, yummiest ever!

Using the exact same method I cook chilli sauces with, roasting the veggies then blitzing, just make sure your pumpkin soup includes these elements: pumpkin, onion, garlic, a bit of curry powder if you have it, salt, pepper.  Adding a small amount of ginger is great too.  I add raw spinach at the end, or broccoli cooked 2 min - you never want to overcook those.

This is the recipe I want to show all my kids, and friend's kids.  Here is the recipe!

Roasting then blitzing preserves far more nutrients
than boiling and discarding the water!

Preheat oven 160 C fanbake.

Cut up pumpkin into cubes, any kind of pumpkin, cutting skin off wasting as little as possible (cutting skin off is far easier if pumpkin in narrow wedges first).

Cut up garlic, onion or leek, some ginger, any other veggies you want to add - carrot, whatever. Veggies that need hardly any cooking like spinach can be added at the end raw to the soup.

Grease outside of cubes of pumpkin and veggies by placing in a bowl with some olive oil and swooshing around. Then dump into a baking tray or two with baking paper, garlic onion etc too, and salted over, (sprinkle over curry spices too), and roast in oven at 160 C fan bake until tender.

Blitz, add heated chicken stock OR just add cream for vegetarian version.
I served it with feta on top, and some chilli sauce, and it was amazing!

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